21. 12. 2013

Visually programming Arduino

This post is about summarizing our past experience trying to make Arduino even more accessible to unexperienced beginners unfamiliar with programming. Arduino comes with its default IDE (Integrated Development Environment), publicly and freely...

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16. 11. 2013

Useful things to be printed with a reprap

The entry of this week will focus in the real practical advantage of having a 3D printer. The idea is not just to spend between $400 and $1000 to have an expensive cool...

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02. 11. 2013

RepRap extruders

The other day came across this amazing video of a new technique called Mataerial (http://www.mataerial.com/#mataerial-in-action). The system in itself is not at all RepRap oriented, but as 3D printing technique is quite impressive....

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26. 10. 2013

RepRap electronics

In the latest issue (number 2) of the RepRap Magazine (http://reprapmagazine.com/) there is an excellent review on the topic of electronic boards for RepRap 3d Printers. This article was made by RichRap (http://richrap.blogspot.pt/),...

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16. 10. 2013

Understanding 3D printers comparisons

In this post we will be looking at www.3ders.org, an excellent source of information not only for beginners into the 3D printing topic but also for those who already have some experience. In...

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09. 10. 2013

A roadmap of 3D printing technologies

3D printing is growing. Fast. The application of this concept is already quite vast, to say the least, so a clear overview gets messy very quickly. To increase the trouble, the whole field...

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29. 09. 2013

Prusa Mendel iteration 3

As of today (september 2013), Prusa Mendel i3 is one of the latest models cooking at reprap.org (http://reprap.org/wiki/Prusa_i3). It was published about September 2012, and is still under some minor development. It is...

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